
Procurement and Equipment Lifecycle from referent manufacturer

Visuel Symag partenariats
Identify manufacturers, purchase the most suitable equipment on the basis of an accurate and complete analysis of your needs, manage your asset in optimal conditions, upstream and downstream of their use ... this is not your area of choice but ours . In complete independence from the manufacturers, Symag help you in choosing and managing the life cycle of your store equipment: purchase, storage, deployment, services, recycling...
Our goal is to advise you in your choices, optimize the management of your assets and simplify your daily life.

The management of store equipment over their entire life cycle

symag partenariats cycle de vie

Thanks to its global view of hardware and store operations expertise, we developed a range of services to support retailers throughout the lifecycle of their equipment: help in choosing, inventories, storage management, destruction and recycling.

The + Retailer: a wide range of services

  • Assistance to choice
    • Software, materials and store operations experts, allowing a global vision of the issue and the specificities of the Retail
    • Total Independence from manufacturers
    • Animation of internal workshops and analysis of benchmark results 
    • Design of charts to choose, qualify and compare different materials
    • Central purchasing
  • Automated or on-site inventories
  • Storage and stocks management a 2,500 m² logistics platform
  • Massive simultaneous deployments, staging and delivery services, unpack/repackaging, customization and integration
  • Asset management (storage, archiving, equipment inventory for accounting statements)
  • Destruction and / or recycling equipment according to legal standards and obligations.

Help retailers choose the right configuration

symag partenariats materiel

In complete independence from manufacturers, we have created a catalogue offering a wide range of point-of-sale materials. The objective is to support retailers in the selection and acquisition of the most efficient and best suited materials for their needs, mono- or multi-manufacturer, within the framework of complete equipment projects or complementary hardware update.

The + product: a wide range of materials and manufacturers approved

  • More than 30 manufacturers are now approved by us, following strict quality criteria
  • A wide range of materials, including several references for each product (servers, point of sale terminals, electronic payment systems, optical readers, scales, self-check-out, self-scanning ...)
  • Internal team dedicated to purchasing and logistics
  • Logistics and technical capacity to support the customer, from acquisition to installation of the equipment 
  • Tests and hardware compatibility guarantee
  • Global management of the supplier, service and warranty relationship
  • Partial replenishments: remodeling’s, additional orders or partial renewals
  • Device reconditioning

The + Retailer: an expert and independent advice

  • Wide choice of equipment, independent of the manufacturer
  • Double expertise, business and hardware
  • Significant buying power, synonymous with significant economies of scale
  • Capacity of centralizing materials of various origins to allow a single delivery in stores
  • Rollout without disruption of the points of sale activities
  • Ability to maintain or manage supplier maintenance service
  • Global maintenance capacities on homogeneous or heterogeneous configurations.

Support throughout the lifecycle of your technological equipment

symag partenariats financement

Point of Sales, mobility, data center, software, payment terminals .... You must equip your stores to support your development while controlling the costs and management of these new equipment.

In close relationship with our shareholder, our solutions allow you to acquire, manage and replace your technological equipment by combining profitability, efficiency, safety and respect for the environment.

The + retailer: controlled solutions

  • Scalable rental solutions tailored to your needs
  • Control of your IT infrastructure and your budgets
  • Operational services with high added value
  • Outsourced administrative processes
  • Financial balance centred on your core business.