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Proactivity, reactivity, availability, skills: Our call centre teams are made of retail specialist. They control and understand this environment, it’s constrains and expectations. From qualification to world class support through deployment support, our staff/specialist are specially trained on configurations and software used by our customers. They can use our knowledge data base and ticketing tools with the aim to constantly improve our service quality and our solutions in operational mode.


Identify manufacturers, purchase the most suitable equipment on the basis of an accurate and complete analysis of your needs, manage your asset in optimal conditions, upstream and downstream of their use ... this is not your area of choice but ours . In complete independence from the manufacturers, Symag help you in choosing and managing the life cycle of your store equipment: purchase, storage, deployment, services, recycling...
Our goal is to advise you in your choices, optimize the management of your assets and simplify your daily life.

Field Services

Facing of complex and evolving technical environments, companies must be able to rely on an expert and reliable partner to ensure the quality of their systems and allow them to focus on their core business.
Symag offers a global range of field services such as installation, roll out, training, remodeling, maintenance (scalable, curative, and proactive) so that your systems and networks are always functional.

Who are we?

A key player in customer engagement and services for the retail

POS Solutions

Ominicanality, mobility, client engagement, the POS’ field is getting wider without limits to enhance user’s experience and business efficiency.
Our objective is to make the purchase a more useful moment, a new space of services and relationships with customers, as well as a new tool of knowledge and commercial engagement.